The President’s Office

Joelle Trumbo

Deputy Chief of Staff


Phone: 478-387-4743


Jobie Shields
Director of Communications
Legislative Liaison


Phone: 478-387-4703


The Seal of the President of Georgia Military College is used to mark correspondence from the President of GMC, state documents, graduation diplomas, and other information/formal documents from the Office of the President.  The central design is the Old Capitol Building. Owned by the State of Georgia, the Old Capitol Building continues to be maintained for the benefit of all citizens as a center for education and as a centerpiece of Georgia Military College. The college has upheld its stewardship for 140 years, has performed major repairs on this structure on at least three occasions, and has endeavored to preserve its integrity. It is fitting that the Old Capitol Building, which has witnessed so much of Georgia’s military and regional history, is a place from which such activity will continue.