GMC News

GMC Cadet Earns $100,000 Scholarship to Norwich University

Through character-based education, Georgia Military College improves students’ personal well-being and gives hope for a brighter future. It is a future that the Regimental Executive Officer and Chief of Staff of the 139th Corps of Cadets at GMC, Lucy Pitts, is working towards. In May of this year, Pitts will earn her Associates Degree from Georgia Military College and will transfer to Norwich University in the fall of 2018. But she won’t go with a financial burden on her plate. Pitts has earned a $100,000 scholarship to Norwich University.

“They review applicants based on merit, leadership experience, grades… kind of the whole picture goes into the decision, so for me to be awarded the Presidential Scholarship, that’s pretty awesome,” Pitts said.

Pitts comes from a military family, her father served in the Navy and her sister is currently attending The United States Military Academy West Point. Pitts says her interest in a military career stems from her sister’s advice.

“She really advised me my junior year to consider going into the military and to have an open mind,” Pitts said. “The advice she gave me was, ‘if you’re around those types of people that are pursuing this career and those are the kind of people you can see yourself being friends with, and can see yourself wanting to be, then that’s a good indication that it’s a good route for you.’”

From there Pitts and her father traveled from their hometown of Fairfax, Virginia to visit Georgia Military College. She fell in love with the campus and she was accepted and began her nursing degree in Milledgeville, Georgia. Pitts has done extremely well during her time at GMC and she says she has Georgia Military College to thank for her growth and success.

“When I came to GMC, I thought I knew what leadership meant but I had no idea. Leadership is 24-7 and it’s something that can be built upon every day,” Pitts said. “I think my favorite part about GMC is the people here. The leaders that are here are so available to you. You have such high-ranking people that have had wonderful careers – they’re making themselves available to cadets for leadership development and mentorship. That to me has been so inspiring.”

Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV, President of GMC, says he has been enormously impressed by the growth and development he has seen in Pitts.

“We are all so proud of Lucy and her commitment to our country,” Caldwell said. “She is an incredible young lady who will excel as an officer in our Army. Her potential is unlimited.”

President Caldwell says with the articulation agreement that GMC has with Norwich University, all of Lucy’s credits will transfer there and be applied towards her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing.

“With our 44 articulation agreements with colleges and universities around the country, we provide our graduates with pathways that allow them to continue to set the goals high and reach for the stars.”

Commandant of Cadets, Colonel Steve Pitt, says going to Norwich will be great for her future service career.

“It’s just a tremendous opportunity for her to pursue her dreams,” Pitt said. “She wants to be a nurse and pursue active duty. She’s going to get scholarship money and be debt free, that’s tremendous. Norwich will prepare her as a nurse and as an officer. She’ll get to learn from the leadership up there and it’s just a great opportunity for her. The saying here at GMC goes, ‘Start here… go anywhere.’ She started here and she’s going to Norwich to follow her dreams.”

Pitts says her goal is to become an active duty nurse. She says if she keeps her grades up and does well academically, that dream will become a reality.

“I felt like Norwich would give me the best opportunity for nursing, while being in a small environment, and it will also give me the resources in a military sense to keep developing as a leader.”

Pitts will graduate from Georgia Military College in May. We extend a sincere congratulations to her for this accomplishment, and we wish her the best at Norwich University!