Center for Teaching and Learning
The goal of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Military College (CTL) is to support GMC’s Strategic Initiatives through increasing student academic support and faculty development opportunities.
Along with the Academic Success Center, the CTL dedicates itself to promoting and motivating students to increase their desire to learn through creating an environment that encourages self-efficacy needed to achieve academic success by:
- Assisting students with the development of academic skills
- Providing academic advising to students to obtain their personal and educational goals
- Providing tutoring services through online access or face-to-face interaction to meet the needs of a larger population of students
Online Teaching Toolkit from the Association of College and University Educators
Teaching the Skill of Learning to Learn
OLC Faculty Resources
PDFAC SPOTLIGHT – How GMC Faculty are using Retrieval Practice
“I created a Bingo session and hold with my students each term in Week 7, which ultimately serves as a final exam study guide instead of the black and white list that was used by my professors in college and passed out to the class. I usually hold the session on Sunday evening of Week 7 when more students can dedicate some time. I used to hold on Thursday evenings of Week 6, but that became problematic for those who work. During this session, students call into my conference line, and I serve as the caller. They are required to print/generate their bingo cards prior to the session. This is the link they use:
Once the first three students call bingo, I ask that they provide an overview of two of the concepts of their choice whether that is a definition or information regarding why the concept is important to our criminal justice system. This gives them an opportunity to interact with their classmates as well. This has proven to be a big hit in my CRJ 103 course (Criminal Procedures). After comparing prior terms, I have noticed great improvement in the final exam grades. Call List Link:
I have had such positive responses from students and usually in a course of 12 or so, seven students participate!”
– Tosha Wilson-Davis, Justice Studies Department Chair, GMC Global Online Campus
OLC (Online Campus) Student Resources
The Center for Teaching and Learning is located inside the Academic Center for Excellence at 430 S Jefferson St.
Dr. Athea Vanzant – Director, Center for Teaching and Learning | (478) 387-7195
William “Drew” Smith Jr., M.Ed. – Assistant Director, Academic Success Center | (478) 387-4758

Academic Alert/Starfish
Academic Alert is an “early alert” student retention initiative at Georgia Military College. Instructors will be able to raise concerns, offer praise, or refer students to academic support resources by raising “flags” if there is a concern or send “kudos” to students who are performing well in their courses.
Flags and kudos can be manually raised at any point during the term and/or through Progress Surveys during weeks two and four of the quarter.
Once a flag is raised, the student receives an email explaining the flag and includes the instructor’s comments. An Academic Success Coach also receives an email notification about the flag and then reaches out to the student in order to offer support services.
The Starfish Enterprise Success Platform is a suite of academic advising tools that will integrate with Colleague, our Student Information System (SIS), that manages student data for admissions, billing, financial aid, course scheduling, and transcripts and Moodle, our Learning Management System, that manages course grade books.
Students, Instructors, Advisors, Success Coaches, Tutors, and support staff will all use Starfish to plan, monitor, communicate, refer, and encourage successful progress toward degree completion.
Starfish has additional features, such as online appointment calendaring and a communication networking system to connect students with the support they need.
In an effort to standardize its Academic Success services, GMC has selected Starfish as its early alert and intervention software system. Starfish is expected to:
- Enhance communication between Instructors, Advisors, Success Coaches, Tutors, and other support staff
- Ensure students receive the help they need in a timely manner
- Make campus resources more accessible to students
- Allow instructors to quickly provide feedback to students and help connect them with services
- Increase course completion rates
- Increase graduation rates
Getting Started with Starfish – Student Profile Setup (VIDEO)
Getting Started with Starfish – Faculty/Staff Profile Setup (VIDEO)
How to Complete a Progress Survey
How to Manually Raise and Clear Flags

Success Coaching
GMC Instructors can meet with you one-on-one to discuss your academic progress and offer suggestions for success, but sometimes, you may need more assistance. In that case, we are here to help!
Academic Success Coaches can provide information on study strategies, reducing stress or overcoming test anxiety. Please contact with any questions or concern about success coaching.
Success Coaches | Name | Phone | |
Augusta PT Academic Success Coach | John Greene | 706-664-0690 | |
Columbus Academic Success Coach | Drew Smith | n/a | |
Dublin Academic Success Coach Support | Erik Walton | 478-410-3454 | |
Fairburn Academic Success Coach | Drew Smith | n/a | |
GOLC Academic Success Coach Support | Dr. Jeff Wells | 478-387-1912 | |
Madison PT Academic Success Coach | Susan Spearman Amelia Summers |
406-752-7503 | |
MAIN (Milledgeville) – Academic Success Coach | Jamie Freeman | 478-387-0419 | |
Rockdale Academic Success Coach | Drew Smith | n/a | |
Warner Robins Academic Success Coach | Dr. Chris Babb | n/a | |
Valdosta Academic Success Coach | Drew Smith | n/a | |


Study Tips

The mission of the GMC Tutoring Center is to serve as a center for learning assistance, providing a support structure that allows students to gain self-confidence and independence in their academic work. The ultimate purpose of tutoring is to create independent learners.
At the Tutoring Center, you have access to computers with internet access and Microsoft Office programs including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
GMC offers FREE tutoring to all students. Contact your campus tutoring center to inquire about the types of tutoring available for you.
Tutor schedules vary each quarter. Please contact your campus/location to determine the tutoring schedule for the current term.
- Online/Remote students can access the free, online tutoring services platform Brainfuse, anytime through their Moodle account in their Moodle course shell.
- Library hours are from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Fridays.
- Most tutors are full time faculty members and can assist students in a variety of subjects.
- Students can sign up for tutoring session at the library.
- Students can receive tutoring in the Columbus Campus Student Learning Center – Room 203
- Tutoring is available for English and math. English tutors can also assist with editing writing assignments for other disciplines.
- The tutoring schedule changes quarterly and is available at multiple locations on campus.
- Students may ask the front desk for more information about the tutoring schedule.
- GMC offers free tutoring to all students. Please contact your location’s tutoring center to inquire about the types of tutoring available to you.
- Please check outside the tutoring lab for the times you can see tutors by subject
- Tutoring center is located in Zell-Miller Hall Room 122.
- Direct all tutoring questions to or 478-387-7373.
- Tutoring is free and no appointment is necessary.
- Students can recieve help from many tutors who have years of experience in teaching and helping students
- Students may contact their academic advisor for question regarding tutoring and can set up their own tutoring hours accordingly
Warner Robins:
- GMC offers free tutoring to all students. Please contact your location’s tutoring center to inquire about the types of tutoring available to you.
- GMC offers free tutoring to all students. Please contact your location’s tutoring center to inquire about the types of tutoring available to you.

Student Resources
Each student processes information different ways and are encouraged to discover which learning styles best suits them.
Khan Academy is an online tutoring website that offers practice problems, instructional video, and a personalized learning dashboard that allows students to learn and study at their own pace.
Students who visit the GMC library have access to the faculty as well as a variety of academic text in order to better prepare them for their classes and studies.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is an essential part of students being able to see what is required in order to achieve a higher level of thinking so they may improve their studying methods.
Students can also pick up helpful tips on how to work with a tutor since not every student is accustomed to working with a tutor.
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