GMC News

Georgia Military College Honors COL Fred Van Horn

COL Fred Van Horn, USA (Ret.) was honored as an esteemed Georgia Military College staff member during the GMC football game on August 29, 2015.  LtGen Caldwell and Coach Bert Williams presented him with a game ball, signed by every member of the GMC Football Team.  COL Van Horn came to Georgia Military College after a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Army.  With more than twenty years of service to GMC, COL Van Horn first served as the Commandant of Cadets and then for many years as the Executive Vice President to two GMC Presidents – Maj. Gen. Peter J. Boylan and LtGen William B. Caldwell, IV.  COL Van Horn also served as Interim President, bridging the gap between the retirement of President Boylan and the induction of President Caldwell in 2013.  As COL Van Horn considers retirement, he is focused on guiding GMC through their 10-year SACS Accreditation Review. 

LtGen Caldwell remarked that, "He is an icon here at GMC.  Fred is the personification of our ideals of Duty, Honor and Country.  All of us at GMC have been blessed to know and have the opportunity to work with Fred.  He is a true self-less servant, always giving of himself for the betterment of our students."